

China's independent research and development of an oversize 3-megawatt onshore wind turbine
On September 22, China's independent research and development of an oversize 3-megawatt onshore wind turbine - China Sea H140 - 3MW officially offline in Chongqing.

According to the Sea Wind Power Co., LTD of CSIC, H140-3MW wind turbines diameter of 140 meters, is the same level of wind turbine at home and abroad the largest diameter wheel, the hub center height of up to 120 meters above, sweeping area of 15394 square meters, compared to similar units sweeping area increased by about 30%, equivalent to two standard football field. At an optimum wind speed of 9.6m/s,the unit can generate 3000 degrees per hour.
Update time:2018-04-27 16:52:09
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